Top 10k strings from Linkword Spanish (1984)(Silversoft)(Part 05 of 10).tzx
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8 ;"You will now be given the ": 4 ;"THIS SECTION (YES/NO)?": 4 ;"DO YOU WISH TO REPEAT"; 4 );"words in SPANISH" 4 );"words in ENGLISH" 4 "For example:" 4 " Please type in the SPANISH " 4 " Please type in the ENGLISH " 3 Z$="Spanish": 3 Z$="English": 2 D$="THE "+D$ 2 ;F$(I2-I,2 2 ;E$(I2-I,2 2 ;"SPANISH"; 2 ;"Imagine ";D$( 2 ;"HERE ARE THE ANSWERS": 2 ;"ENGLISH"; 2 "understood." 2 "When you want to say 'It is " 1 then the word for IS is always ESTA, even if the thing is" 1 grammar************************************************ 1 TELLING THE TIME 1 SPA5 nR 1 SON LAS NUEVE Y MEDIAK 1 SENTENCE TRANSLATION 1 RESTAURANTE 8CAMARERA 4TAZA 6CUENTA 4MENU 5PLATO 8CUCHILLO 7TENEDOR 6MANTEL 7BOTELLA 3UNO 3DOS 4TRES 6CUATRO 5CINCO 4SEIS 5SIETE 4OCHO 5NUEVE 4CERO 2EN 2EN 9DEBAJO DE 8FUERA DE 4DIEZ 4ONCE 4DOCE 6VEINTE VEINTICINCO 6CUARTO 5MEDIA 1 RESTAURANT8WAITRESS 3CUP 4BILL 4MENU 5PLATE 5KNIFE 4FORK TABLECLOTH6BOTTLE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 2ON 2IN 5UNDER 7OUTSIDE 210 211 212 220 225 7QUARTER 4HALF 1 RESTA OORAN8KAMARERA 5TATHA 8KOO ENTA 5MENOO 5PLATO KOOCHEELYO 7TENEDOR 6MANTEL 7BOTELYA 4OONO 3DOS 4TRES 8KOO ATRO 7THEENKO 6SE EES 8SEE ETAY 4OCHO 8NOO EVAY 5THERO 2EN 2EN DEBAHO DAY FOO ERA DAY7DEE ETH 7ON THAY 6DOTHAY 9VE EENTAY VE EENTAY T8KOO ARTO 5MEDYA 1 QUE HORA ES? - What hour is?" 1 MAIN CONTROL LOOP 1 INITIALISE 1 IN THE RESTURANT 1 GROUP TELLING THE TIME 1 GROUP 4 GRAMMAR 1 GROUP 3 USEFUL WORDS 1 GROUP 3 GRAMMAR 1 GROUP 2 GRAMMAR 1 GIVE ANSWERS IN SPANISH 1 GIVE ANSWERS IN ENGLISH 1 DISPLAY FOREIGN WORDS 1 DATA1=9220 1 DATA1=9210 1 DATA1=9200 1 DATA1=9190 1 DATA1=9180 1 DATA1=9170 1 D$=E$(I)+" is "+F$(I,2 1 D$=E$(I)+" is "+F$(I): 1 D$="Imagine "+D$: 1 ANSWERS FOREIGN TO ENGLISH 1 ANSWERS ENGLISH TO FOREIGN 1 ;"sentences into ";Z$ 1 ;"presents" 1 ;"correct position." 1 ;"black & white TV, (C) if you "; 1 ;"are using a colour TV." 1 ;"and then press (ENTER)" 1 ;"You should now listen to the audio tape which accompanies the course." 1 ;"YOU HAVE NOW COMPLETED THE"; 1 ;"What is the Spanish for" 1 ;"What is the English for" 1 ;"USEFUL WORDS" 1 ;"The next word:" 1 ;"The first word:": 1 ;"The Spanish for "; 1 ;"THE GRUNEBERG LINKWORD"; 1 ;"TELLING THE TIME" 1 ;"TELLING THE TIME " 1 ;"TAPE RECORDER" 1 ;"SPANISH SECTION 5" 1 ;"SOME MORE GRAMMAR": 1 ;"SOME ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR"; 1 ;"S I L V E R S O F T"; 1 ;"Press SPACE or ENTER.": 1 ;"Press PLAY on the tape recorder"; 1 ;"Press (B) if you are using a"; 1 ;"Please enter your choice." 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY & TURN OFF THE"; 1 ;"PLURALS" 1 ;"Now translate the following "; 1 ;"NUMBERS" 1 ;"MORE TELLING THE TIME" 1 ;"LANGUAGE SYSTEM"; 1 ;"IN THE RESTAURANT": 1 ;"GROUP 4"; 1 ;"GROUP 3"; 1 ;"GROUP 2"; 1 ;"GROUP 1"; 1 ;"FIFTH PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"Ensure that the tape is in the"; 1 ;"BYE BYE!" 1 ;"3. To quit." 1 ;"2. To load the next section." 1 ;"1. To run this section again." 1 ;"(VE EENTEETHEENKO)": 1 ;"(RESTA OORANTAY)": 1 ;"(";P$(I,2 1 ;"(";P$(I);")": 1 ;" Press ENTER to continue." 1 )+" is "+F$(I,2 1 )+" is "+F$(I): 1 "your friend WENT Away when it came to paying the bill." 1 "your SETTEE has seen SEVEN deadly sins." 1 "you climb a mountain andreach a PLATEAU all covered with white plates." 1 "you TOSS TWO coins in the air." 1 "worry though, as you will be" 1 "words eg. in, on, under, etc.," 1 "with the hour ONE, which is " 1 "which of course is feminine." 1 "vowel then you simply add ES." 1 "to the hour', or 'five to the" 1 "throwing a BOTTLE At a bullfighter." 1 "thinking it is MESSIER to cut someone in half than to leave them alone." 1 "they are the three etc." 1 "they are plural." 1 "the number EIGHT paintedin OCHRE." 1 "the hour, you say" 1 "the famous discoverer of electrical phenomena, MichaelFARADAY, OUTSIDE your home." 1 "sometimes make mistakes. Do not" 1 "someone with a knife saying 'With this I COULD CHILL YOU'." 1 "someone who SAYS SIX." 1 "so the Spanish for:" 1 "singular." 1 "seeing a DEBACLE under DE table." 1 "quarter to the hour', or 'twenty" 1 "quarter past' or 'half fast' or" 1 "putting someone to DEATHat 10 o'clock." 1 "prodding a piece of meatwith a fork to make sure it is TENDER." 1 "o'clock, two o,clock etc., the" 1 "looking IN a box and seeing a large letter N." 1 "literal translation is -" 1 "is feminine." 1 "is - ES LA UNA" 1 "is SON LAS DOS" 1 "is LOS RATONES TRANQUILOS" 1 "is LOS PUERCOS LIBRES" 1 "is LAS MESAS ROJAS" 1 "hour' or 'twenty to eight' etc." 1 "drinking FOUR bottles of cointreau." 1 "dialling 999 for the NAVY." 1 "being bathed in the SINKO when you were FIVE years old." 1 "becomes LOS and the noun adds" 1 "becomes LAS and the noun also " 1 "at the age of 25 you inVENETED SINKS." 1 "asking a bullfighter fora QUARTER Of beef." 1 "are eight minus twenty.'" 1 "always in a particular place." 1 "adds an S." 1 "a waitress with a CAMERAslung around her neck." 1 "a tablecloth on the MANTLEpiece." 1 "a cup with a TASSLE dangling from the handle." 1 "a bullfighter studying the MENU." 1 "a bullfighter in your RESTAURANT." 1 "a big letter N written ON a table." 1 "a German saying your VISION is TVENTY TVENTY." 1 "a DOZEN DOZEY people." 1 "ZERO is NOTHING." 1 "You say'SON LAS OCHO Y VEINTE'" 1 "You say 'SON LAS TRES Y CINCO'" 1 "YOU KNOW ONE." 1 "To say 'It is twenty past eight'" 1 "To say 'It is five past three'" 1 "To answer this question in " 1 "There is one important point to remember. When you use place " 1 "Then in Spanish you say 'They " 1 "The word HOUR is not said but is" 1 "The plurals in Spanish are very" 1 "The only exception to this, is " 1 "The Spanish for WHAT is QUE(KAY)" 1 "TWO MENUS ARE VERY BAD.","DOS MENUS SON MUY MALOS." 1 "THREE TREES in front of you." 1 "THREE CUPS ARE OLD.","TRES TAZAS SON VIEJAS." 1 "THEY ARE TWO which in Spanish" 1 "THE TABLECLOTHS AND THE BOTTLES ARE ALWAYS GREEN.","LOS MANTELES Y LAS BOTELLAS SON SIEMPRE VERDES." 1 "THE PLATE IS IN THE CUPBOARD.","EL PLATO ESTA EN EL ARMARIO." 1 "THE KNIVES AND THE FORKS ARE HARD.","LOS CUCHILLOS Y LOS TENEDORES SON DUROS." 1 "THE KNIFE IS UNDER A TABLE.","EL CUCHILLO ESTA DEBAJO DE UNA MESA." 1 "THE FRUIT IS ON THE PLATE.","LA FRUTA ESTA EN EL PLATO." 1 "THE CUP IS ON THE TABLE.","LA TAZA ESTA EN LA MESA." 1 "Spanish, for example, it is one" 1 "Spanish for the HOUR is LA HORA" 1 "Spanish are tricky and you will" 1 "So, It is a quarter to one is" 1 "So, IT IS ONE O'CLOCK is" 1 "SON LAS TRES" 1 "SON LAS TRES Y MEDIA" 1 "SON LAS ONCE" 1 "SON LAS OCHO MENOS VEINTE." 1 "SON LAS DOS MENOS CINCO." 1 "SON LAS CINCO MENOS CUARTO." 1 "SIETE DIAS SON UNA SEMANA.","SEVEN DAYS ARE ONE WEEK." 1 "SEIS CAMARERAS ESTAN DEBAJO DE LA MESA.","SIX WAITRESSES ARE UNDER THE TABLE." 1 "RESTAURANTE","8CAMARERA","4TAZA","6CUENTA","4MENU","5PLATO","8CUCHILLO","7TENEDOR","6MANTEL","7BOTELLA" 1 "RESTAURANT","8WAITRESS","3CUP","4BILL","4MENU","5PLATE","5KNIFE","4FORK","TABLECLOTH","6BOTTLE" 1 "RESTA OORANTAY","8KAMARERA","5TATHA","8KOO ENTA","5MENOO","5PLATO","KOOCHEELYO","7TENEDOR","6MANTEL","7BOTELYA" 1 "Please note that prepositions in": 1 "Numbers do not take a plural ending." 1 "Note that the word THE is ": 1 "LOS RESTAURANTES SON SIEMPRE BUENOS.","THE RESTAURANTS ARE ALWAYS GOOD." 1 "LOS PATALONES SON MUY NEGROS.","THE TROUSERS ARE VERY BLACK." 1 "LOS DIAS SON BUENOS, PERO LAS NOCHES NO SON BUENAS.","THE DAYS ARE GOOD BUT THE NIGHTSARE NOT GOOD." 1 "LAS CUENTAS SON MUY BUENAS.","THE BILLS ARE VERY GOOD." 1 "LA MESA becomes LAS MESAS" 1 "LA CABRA becomes LAS CABRAS" 1 "LA BLUSA becomes LAS BLUSAS" 1 "It is three o'clock is" 1 "It is the one,they are the two," 1 "It is eleven o'clock is" 1 "In Spanish this is:" 1 "In Spanish this is -" 1 "If a word does not end in a " 1 "IT IS TWO O'CLOCK","SON LAS DOS" 1 "IT IS TWO O'CLOCK is" 1 "IT IS THREE O'CLOCK","SON LAS TRES" 1 "IT IS THE ONE which in Spanish" 1 "IT IS TEN TO SEVEN","SON LAS SIETE MENOS DIEZ" 1 "IT IS TEN TO ONE","ES LA UNA MENOS DIEZ" 1 "IT IS TEN O'CLOCK","SON LAS DIEZ" 1 "IT IS SEVEN O'CLOCK","SON LAS SIETE" 1 "IT IS QUARTER TO SIX","SON LAS SEIS MENOS CUARTO" 1 "IT IS NINE O'CLOCK","SON LAS NUEVE" 1 "IT IS HALF PAST THREE","SON LAS TRES Y MEDIA" 1 "IT IS HALF PAST NINE","SON LAS NUEVE Y MEDIA" 1 "IT IS FOUR O'CLOCK","SON LAS CUARTO" 1 "IT IS FIVE O'CLOCK","SON LAS CINCO" 1 "For masculine plurals EL " 1 "For feminine words, the LA" 1 "FIVE PLATES ARE VERY GOOD.","CINCO PLATOS SON MUY BUENOS." 1 "ES LA UNA MENOS CUARTO." 1 "ELEVEN footballers ON THE field." 1 "EL TENEDOR becomes LOS TENEDORES" 1 "EL SOMBRERO - LOS SOMBREROS" 1 "EL PLATO becomes LOS PLATOS" 1 "EL PEZ ESTA FUERA DE UN GUARDARROPA.","THE FISH IS OUTSIDE A CLOAKROOM." 1 "EL PERRO ESTA EN EL ARMARIO AMARILLO.","THE DOG IS ON THE YELLOW CUPBOARD." 1 "EL MARIDO Y LA MUJER ESTAN EN UN RESTAURANTE.","THE HUSBAND AND THE WIFE ARE IN THE RESTAURANT." 1 "EL MANTEL becomes LOS MANTELES" 1 "EL CUCHILLO - LOS CUCHILLOS" 1 "CUARTO TENEDORES ESTAN EN EL CAJON.","FOUR FORKS ARE IN THE DRAWER." 1 "As you learned earlier, the " 1 "Adjectives also add an S when" 1 "A WAITRESS IS OUTSIDE A RESTAURANT.","UNA CAMARERA ESTA FUERA DE UN RESTAURANTE." 1 "7DEE ETH","7ON THAY","6DOTHAY","9VE EENTAY","VE EENTAY THEENKO","8KOO ARTO","5MEDYA" 1 "4OONO","3DOS","4TRES","8KOO ATRO","7THEENKO","6SE EES","8SEE ETAY","4OCHO","8NOO EVAY","5THERO" 1 "4DIEZ","4ONCE","4DOCE","6VEINTE","VEINTICINCO","6CUARTO","5MEDIA" 1 "3UNO","3DOS","4TRES","6CUATRO","5CINCO","4SEIS","5SIETE","4OCHO","5NUEVE","4CERO" 1 "2ON","2IN","5UNDER","7OUTSIDE" 1 "2EN","2EN","DEBAHO DAY","FOO ERA DAY" 1 "2EN","2EN","9DEBAJO DE","8FUERA DE" 1 "210","211","212","220","225","7QUARTER","4HALF" 1 "11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","10" 1 "'five past' or 'ten past',etc." 1 "'What time is it?' is" 1 "'They are the seven and half.'" 1 "'It is quarter to five' is" 1 "'It is five to two' is" 1 " feminine because the word HOUR ": 1 " To display the answer simply": 1 " The red tables" 1 " The quiet mice" 1 " The free pigs." 1 " press ~ENTER~"